Julie Gallo - Holistic Counsellor & Psychotherapist

Julie Gallo
Wollongong, Port Kembla, Austinmer, Bulli, Thirroul, Shellharbour, Dapto, Kiama, Illawarra region
0418 210 665

"Your life transforms the moment you begin experiencing yourself from a deeply connected place"

Julie Gallo is a Holistic Counsellor & Psychotherapist who has been working with women, men & youth both individually and in groups for over a period of 15 years. Her work has been highly influenced by the indigenous teachings of “Secret Women’s Business” and the highly intelligent field theory approach of Process Oriented Psychology, alongside her training in Dr Gabor Mate's, "Compassionate Inquiry" approach.  Having also worked in a Buddhist Temple for over four years, Julie has incorporated her knowledge and experience of the Buddhist teachings of mindfulness into her therapeutic process.

Julie’s passion for guiding and supporting her clients in developing their sense of Self in the world is informed by her own inner healing journey which began with her own feelings of disconnect from her life and to those that were closest to her. Since that time, she has experienced immense transformations and initiations which have led her to individuate from cultural & societal conditioning into the truth of who she is as a woman, a mother and a partner. Through her own life’s challenges of breaking free from the “mould”, Julie brings a genuine, compassionate and authentic experience to her healing work.

Julie specialises in facilitating the individuation process of her clients through their inner & outer experiences and challenges, followed by the re-integration and strengthening process of their own unique inner truth, in all areas of their life. Her aim is to facilitate her clients experience of deep connection & self-empowerment to create the life & the relationships they truly desire.




“My sessions with Julie have been nothing short of life changing. Each time I see her I shed another layer of pain & hurt from the past - most times never to be re-visited again. As each layer is left behind I get closer to the core of who I truly am and find there a person that I'm much happier being. My relationships with my children, my husband and most importantly myself, have all changed for the better. I find I am doing a lot less 'reacting' and that I can respond to each situation with a presence of mind & heart that has at many times, been absent. I don't always 'get it right' and I know I have a way to go but I have no doubt that Julie is key to helping me get there. She has a beautiful nurturing energy and engages with warmth, patience & kindness. I always feel safe & respected by her, no matter how 'silly' my problems may sometimes seem to me. I have done years of meditation and 'inner work' in the past and nothing has helped me to the degree and speed with which Julie has. I firmly believe that if anyone feels drawn to seek Julie's guidance & help then it will be the best investment they'll ever make!” - Julie Wood

“Julie’s genuine warmth, sensitivity and caring approach to her work were qualities that really impressed me as her client. It allowed me to relax and feel supported in exploring personal and at times emotionally sensitive matters discussed in our sessions. She is very much in tune with the process of unfolding the deeper meaning from one’s experiences, thoughts and actions, which has assisted me enormously in knowing and understanding myself in a deeper, more positive way. I appreciate Julie’s commitment to helping others, professionalism and happy, caring personality. She is a gifted therapist!”
- Wendy


He Who Dies (Ode to Life) - Pablo Neruda


Slowly dies he who becomes a slave to habit,
repeating the same journey every day,
he who doesn’t change his march, he who doesn’t risk
and change the colour of his clothes, he who doesn’t speak to whom he doesn’t know.

Slowly dies he who makes of the television his guru,
he who avoids a passion dies, he who prefers
black on white and dots on i's rather than a togetherness of emotions
exactly those that make the eyes shine,
those that make the heart beat
before error and feeling.

Slowly dies he who doesn’t overturn the table,
he who is unhappy in his work,
he who doesn’t risk certainty for uncertainty
to follow a dream,
he who doesn’t permit himself at least one time in his life
to flee sensible counsels.

Slowly dies he who doesn’t travel, he who doesn’t read,
he who doesn’t listen to music,
he who doesn’t find grace in himself.
he who destroys his own love dies,
he who doesn’t allow himself to be helped.

He who passes his days lamenting
about his own misfortune or the incessant rain dies.
Slowly dies he who abandons a project
before beginning it,
he who doesn’t ask questions about topics he doesn’t know,
he who doesn’t answer when he is asked something that he knows.

Let’s avoid death by small doses,
remembering always that being alive requires a much larger effort
than the simple act of breathing.
Only burning patience will bring within reach a splendid happiness...




For more information or to make book an appointment contact Julie today!!


PACFA accredited therapist
Register No: 23455

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